Since it started snowing on Monday, pretty much the trencd since I have been living here, right after the Thanksgiving weekend luckily.
Tuesday there was a blanket of snow covering Utah, and it was pretty col.
However, it was Wednesday that was REALLY cold - hence the tile freezer. Being from Africa (where is gets cold - but not THIS cold) I am still no used to this kind of weather. On Wednesday night I thaught I saw a sign that said it was -10 degrees Celcius, however last night I found I had seen the sign wrong and it was about -15 degrees Celcius. This is most definitly the coldest I can remember it being! Since I will be going to Chicago soon, I think this is just preparation (or so I hear).
It's hard to find the right combination of colthing though. In my apartment I am warm, then I get dressed with some extra layers cuase I know I'm gonna either freeze of thaw outside. I grap my jacket as I leave and everything is snug until I get on the Bus. I need to then remove the jacket so as not to oveheat. Then I put it back on as I leave the bus. However as soon as I get into class or work or a building, I feel like I need to remove more that just my jacket. Its like I am burning up. Yesterday I had to roll my pant legs up and take off my shoes.
It becomes like a dance I think, clothes on, some off, back on, come off, back on, some off.... etc.
I guess I just need to find the right combinations?
Labels: winter cold clothes