So, I finally braved it! I ventured out of JFK International Airport with the goal to see all the sites in 6 hours. With map in hand and a knot in throat, I bought a metro pass and jumped aboard the subway. Surfacing at Ground Zero was quite surreal. There were tourists representing half the worlds countries :) taking pictures and looking on in awe.
After refusing to kiss a vendor for free merchandise, I made my way down towards the ferry. There I fulfilled a dream of seeing the Statue of Liberty, I even got a picture with an "impersonater". Back on the saubway and on to Times Square, where all my senses were bombarded. It is the most exciting part of New York, which is probably why they hold New Years Eve here every year.
Oh, I bumped into Whoopi Goldberg... ok, it was her wax self, but it looked damn real!
By now my arms and shoulders were dead from lugging my 10 kg backpack and purse around. The knots in my back were getting tighter form my "somewhat paronoia" of being mugged...
Taking a break was easy in the extravagantly decorated Macdonalds, there I enjoyed a "low calorie" salad :)
After catching my breath I made my way up Broadway Avenue, looking at all the show advertising, these people sure know about entertainment. Walking on a few more blocks to the infamous Rockafella Center, I enjoyed looking on at the New Yorkers and wondering what it must be like to live there.
I must mention everything touristy is really cheap on the streets: Hats, T-shirts, postcards, even watches that look like they should be costing hundreds of dollars are sold for ten. I saw yet another NY "bum" next to the LOVE sign... he know how to advertise! A few more blocks up and I hit Central Park. it is so beautiful, even in the winter... I can hardly imagine what it must look like in the Spring...
Making my way back to the airport and reflecting on my rushed visit through the city, feeling somewhat like a dream, yeat I know its real because I have these pictures to show :) I hope I can return to this exciting city.