Extreme Ironing!
Check this out - it's weird but funny!
Yin and Yang, the Chinese philosphy of opposites! This intrigues me, because life really is about opposites and opposition. It reminded me of one of my favorite scripture in the Book of Mormon: 2 Nephi 2:11 " For there must needs be an opposition in all things..." lds.org
ONE. Give people more than they expect and do it cheerfully.
Sacrifice is a very interesting subject, I have been thinking alot about it lately. These are some thoughts and things I noticed...
Pentium 3 Processor (M)500Mhz (1GHz)
My geography teaher Mr Wright once told us of this story. It stuck with me through the years, and when we went to George a few years ago, my dads friends estate was called Masada, I remember the History lesson I received in Geography class...
Past: MacGuyver,Murder She Wrote, Dr Quinn Medicine Woman, Who's the Boss, Golden Girls, The Nanny, Married With Children, Growing Pains, Rescue 911, Louis and Clarke, Full House, Stargate SG1, PS I love you,FRIENDS
Damn Funny! Check out the Outpost clips and some his essays. I found this site when searching for BYU housing in 2005.
Great Essays, sspecially "Hackers and Painters" and "Good and Bad Procrastination". This is a must read.
This is a great site with links to his interesting blogs. Especially all the computer stuff and I love the Plan of Salvation PDF cards - check 'em out. Ben you're amazing - I have learnt alot from you! Thanks
Not currently open for registration, but look promising. I am excited to do some exploring once they open.
Halleluja! I found this through WindowsLive, you get tips for sourcing and citing essays and papers online. There are 4 categories: Humanities, Socail Sciences, History and Science. Teh Sample papers are awesome as there are comments on the reasons for certain layout and citing. This is an AWESOME site!
Yeah, finally, "i-tunes" for Mormons or any Christian faiths that enjoy this great music. Check out some of my favorite artists: Mindy Gledhill, Katherine Nelson, Jenny Phillips, Cherie Call, Hilary Weeks, Kenneth Cope.
My Favorite modern movies based on the past!